There are a number of unmerged changes in develop of the super-project that look like they should really be in release, in particular: * Jamroot, contains amongst other things a very old fix for Oracle C++ support, without which building with Oracle is more or less broken. In fact unmerged commits on this file go back to....wait for it... 2011 ! * bootstrap.bat has fixes for some rather embarrassing typos. * bootstrap.sh has lots of fixes, also going back to 2011. Those were the "highlights" that stood out to me, the full list with unmerged changes is: .gitmodules | 613 ++++++++++++++++++------------------ .travis.yml | 6 +- Jamroot | 32 +- boostcpp.jam | 47 +-- boostcpp.py | 459 --------------------------- bootstrap.bat | 4 +- bootstrap.sh | 24 +- doc/Jamfile.v2 | 2 - doc/src/boost.xml | 2 - libs/libraries.htm | 10 +- libs/maintainers.txt | 5 +- status/Jamfile.v2 | 4 - status/explicit-failures-markup.xml | 41 +-- tools/Jamfile.v2 | 2 +- 14 files changed, 336 insertions(+), 915 deletions Best, John.