I thought Peter Dimov got it right from the comment I saw earlier. The project would no longer spend time and effort on qualifying or testing C++03 compatibility. CI builds and the test matrix would no longer specifically test C++03. The default language level for b2 builds would be C++11. +1 Folks consuming boost can always hold back their boost upgrades to stay with C++03 and they can weigh the pros and cons of staying on C++03 versus moving forward. As a developer both working on and consuming boost I would appreciate the permission to start using C++11 without fear. +1 and as already said: The cross-cut of C++03 & latest-boost users is
probably very small. (If they can update Boost to latest, why not compilers to "not ancient"?) So can we stop discussing "what does dropping... mean", reiterating the obvious benefits and start talking about when and how?