Joel de Guzman wrote:
On 28/11/2017 4:35 AM, Peter Dimov via Boost wrote:
Mike Gresens wrote:
So, who is the owner of boostorg/spirit? Is it boostorg??!!
So here I am and ask boostorg admins to add the spirit repo to appveyor.
The admin of boostorg/spirit is Joel de Guzman, @djowel.
There's also a team "spirit" with write access some of whose members should probably be admins but aren't, such as Hartmut Kaiser (@hkaiser) and Michael Caisse (@mjcaisse).
Hmmm... Hartmut and Michael should be admins as well. Tell me what I can do about it and this thread's issue.
I added Hartmut and Michael as admins. The problem for which this thread is about is that to enable Travis or Appveyor on Spirit, one needs to be an admin. Nikita Kniazev (who has write access but not admin access) requested to be made an admin in order to work on the CI in https://github.com/boostorg/admin/issues/141, so if you agree, I can do so.