Hello, I really love to use boost libraries in my project, but I always wonder, for such an accomplished project, why is the documentation so bad? A few examples: I want to get familiar with http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_65_1/libs/ptr_container/. What do I need to include? Neiter the tutorial, the reference or the usage guidelines mention a #include line. This is something which stroke me quite often at various boost libs. Also with the ptr_container lib, I want to find the refrence for the ptr_vector::insert function. I got to scan the reference pages of all members of it's class hierarchy to find the insert() function (it's in ptr_sequence_adapter). References and example code often have no syntax highlightning and no linking and it's extremely hard to find documentation for a specific symbol, or from there, to jump to the source code. I would really like to have a more uniform and a documentation that not feels like a annotated source code dump. I use doxygen for my own projects and I know it can generate nicely looking, with syntax highlightning and linked documentation. Please, don't take this offensive, it's just some feedback I wanted to give a long time. Best, Florian