On 2013-05-08 18:08, Vicente J. Botet Escriba wrote:
as the conversion between concrete dates could be expensive I guess that these conversion must be explicit.
But this has some consequences when used the implicit conversion was hidden a not efficient implementation, e.g.
date ISO_week_start = mon <= jan/day(4)/y;
jan/day(4)/y should be ymd_date as is the efficient representation.
The date generator was declared as
date operator<=(weekday wd, date x);
Hi, Do you really want to allow/document/support/advocate the American date format in C++? Why not restrict the format to something close to ISO date format for ISO C++? That way you could introduce a new type, say ym_type and ym_type operator/(year y, month m); date operator/(ym_type ym, day d); Neither explicit nor implicit conversion necessary :-) Another question I have about this is: Is is really a good idea to use operator/()? It does prevent you from calculating ratios between periods, e.g. int ratio = year(3)/month(4); // ratio = 9 I'd therefore prefer another operator, e.g. operator << But to be completely honest: I don't see the benefit of constructing dates this way. Why not simply use a constructor? date(year, month, day); With C++11 you could then write: date ISO_week_start = mon <= { y, jan, day(4) }; That's the way I'd prefer :-) Regards, Roland