Hi all, I've been following the mailing list for a few months and I wanted to know more about the Devector project idea that was being discussed last week. I couldn't find it on the 2015 ideas page so I read about it on the 2009 page and I'm really interested in doing it as a GSOC project. So then I also read the segmented iterators paper and the std::vector and std::deque references. I found an existing implementation of devector on GitHub ( https://github.com/orlp/devector/blob/master/readme.md) Some of the shortcomings of this implementation as per the 2009 ideas page: 1. Does not provide reference stability on insertion since it's just one continuous block of memory which has to be reallocated in its entirety. 2. Hence obviously does not provide option for setting chunk size or use segmented iterators. I was hoping that the devector idea is added to the 2015 ideas page with a competency test since I don't have any open source contributions besides the research projects in my institute. But I'm a quick learner and am confident that I can prove my worth through a competency test. Thus I kindly request Thorsten or Niall to please add devector to the ideas page and provide a competency test if possible. Regards, Divyansh Gupta, Sophomore Undergraduate Student, Indian Institute of Technology - Kharagpur