On 9/15/2014 12:17 AM, pfultz2 wrote:
I am not sure what you mean by namespaces ? Do you mean the type of the token parsed ?
I mean the prefix for the tokens.
OK. I will choose something easy, starting with BOOST_VMD_
Perhaps Paul can explain it better than me.
The BOOST_PP_AUTO_REC macro is not documented so maybe you can understand my being puzzled by it and what it is used for. Other undocumented macros in Boost PP are generally easier for me to follow.
Oops! Well it is documented in Chaos. I guess its more of an implementation detail in Boost.PP. Of course, its not at all obvious what it does from looking at the code(even though it is quite nicely formatted).
Paul Mensonides explained it in his reply.
The BOOST_VMD_SEQUENCE macro I plan will return for each v-type found not only its data by is v-type also. I am leaning toward returning the data as a Boost PP seq where every element of he seq is a tuple of (type,value) pairs. Each type will be a number identifying a distinct v-type (number,identifier,array,list,seq,tuple).
There may be use cases for this. However, it would be nice just to map it directly to a sequence without the v-type. So you could have a mpping to a v-sequence which has the v-types(perhaps the tuple (type,value) pairs), but in addition have a mapping to pp sequence which will just have the value. I can see how there are uses for both of these.
Sure. Easy enough.