On 22 Nov 2019, at 21:53, Vinnie Falco via Boost
wrote: On Thu, Nov 21, 2019 at 7:24 AM Krzysztof Jusiak via Boost-users
> I was wondering whether there is any interest in exploring a C++20 single header/single module, macro-free Unit Testing Framework with no dependencies?
I have no interest in a library that requires C++20, especially considering that C++20 is not even official yet but also because once C++20 is released, there will be hardly any users for many years. This project seems very much like it was written "just because", to use the latest language features, rather than for pragmatic reasons. I don't see anything compelling to use it over Boost.LightweightTest for example.
Is your lack of interest mostly based on its lack of potential utility for your projects now or your lack of interest for such tools in the future? What are the chances new libraries depending heavily on macros in their interfaces will ever make in into the standard library? If they will not I don’t think it is fair to say this is something that look like someone just want to play with the newest language features, and that it has no other merit. I agree there may be elements of the library that aligns with your assessment, but I suspect that is for good reasons where options where not available other than macros. If that is the case, we have learned something new, haven’t we? — Bjørn