Andrey Semashev wrote:
Now that 1.56 is out I believe we can proceed with modularization. I'd like to complete Boost.MPL decomposition into Boost.MPL.Core and Boost.MPL that I started some time ago. I can see two ways of doing this: I can keep the two parts in the separate git repositories or I can move Boost.MPL.Core to a sub-library within the same git repo. I'd prefer the second approach since this allows to create a single pull request and keeps the library history in one place, but maybe there are other considerations?
I don't have much of an opinion one way or the other. Boost.Build doesn't handle arbitrary sublibs at the moment very well, I think (numeric/* is hardcoded) but this will need to be fixed anyway. This aside, if you go with a sublib, it seems to me that it will be easy to move it into a proper submodule at a later date if we so decide, unless I'm missing something.