On Tue Sep 02 2014 at 9:39:24 PM Andrzej Krzemienski
2014-09-02 11:23 GMT+02:00 Dean Michael Berris
: Right. My hunch is that 1.56 now has suppression for the cases where references would have been deduced (as discussed in
http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_56_0/libs/optional/doc/html/ boost_optional/dependencies_and_portability/optional_ reference_binding.html ). Maybe the suppression applies even for the case when the conversion operator may have been useful for copy initialization.
However, it works fine with GCC. It looks like VC++ compiler has a bug in overload resolution in copy initialization. It should never consider explicit constructors.
Agreed that it works with GCC. I tested with Clang on OS X too and it doesn't display this problem. I think the specialization of the behavior for VC++ 2010 that came in 1.56.0 may be disabling the copy constructor inadvertently because the RHS resolves to a `const boost::optional<T>&` -- it may just be the case that the suppression to address the bug is too aggressive, and is causing a once-valid non-explicit constructor to be considered explicit? I can't be sure until I get to play around with it, or look deeply at the code to try and understand it. I won't be surprised if this is a compiler bug though. I would still like to know though whether there's a work-around, or whether I'm going to have to say in my upcoming release of cpp-netlib that we can't support Boost 1.56.0 with MSVC 2010. That announcement would be unfortunate. :(