On 21/07/17 20:53, Artyom Beilis via Boost wrote: [...]
And this is one of the most basic and trivial feature that exists in every real world build system.
And now take a look on this code:
Lines 124-145 this is how I search ICU for Boost.Locale
Note that you can further simplify this to a single line: find_package(ICU COMPONENTS uc data i18n) and then use the imported targets ICU::uc, ICU::data and ICU::i18n to link with. Handles all the debug postfixes, alternative library names on Windows (dt/data, in/i18n) etc. It's basically what you're doing, but a bit more comprehensive and flexible (by using the imported targets, you allow for /export/ of the target configuration for use by end users and downstream components). This requires FindICU.cmake, which is provided in newer CMake releases. But it's absolutely possible to copy this into your own project to support older CMake releases (I do this myself). See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.9/module/FindICU.html for further details. Regards, Roger