I think that it would be a net win for the community if we release the library, so as a first step, you can transfer the repository to me (pdimov), I'll move it to boostorg, and we'll take it from there.
Status update: The Nowide library is now at boostorg/nowide, and has been added as a submodule to the develop branch of the superproject. The master branch is at a stable state with Travis/Appveyor passing, but before the 'reviewfixes' changes. The develop branch is master with reviewfixes merged. https://ci.appveyor.com/project/pdimov/nowide https://travis-ci.org/boostorg/nowide I've added the generated Doxygen documentation in html/ to the repo, because that's what Locale does, and because I didn't have the time to get this integrated with b2. It shows up properly at https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/develop/libs/libraries.htm#System https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/develop/libs/nowide/doc/html/index.html Tests have started appearing at https://www.boost.org/development/tests/develop/developer/nowide.html Artyom has strongly recommended that Alexander Grund take over as a Nowide maintainer. Unless there are objections, I'll give him write access and let him take things from there.