2015-03-11 15:14 GMT+03:00 Cosmin Boaca
I have replaced std::map with intrusive set and I have run the benchmarks. The peformance dropped versus the std::map implementation quite a lot. For instance, inserting time is about 1.5x worse. I have pushed the changes into a branch of the project [0].
No need to worry. We've just started with that intrusive things. Let's try
to tune our implementation:
* we do not need constant time size(), so let's provide
`optimize_size<true>` option for sets
* turn link mode into `link_mode
I think one potential improvement would be to use node refferences instead of node_pointers wherever possible in the whole trie implementation
This will give you nothing. On Assembler level there's no difference between reference and pointer. -- Best regards, Antony Polukhin