I've started to proof-read Vladimir Batov's Boost.Convert library and correct a (very few) typos etc.
I've had some troublesome experience with building docs with Boost.Math and this is similar (but much smaller).
Can experienced GIT users suggest how better to handle the problem of generated files in the /html folder.
I've provided below a log of what I've done after a single edit to a Quickbook file.
As you will see, there are *new* files (with randomized filenames)
html/boost/convert_id274115.html html/boost/convert_id274279.html html/boost/convert_id277698.html html/boost/convert_id277857.html
Suggestions on how better to manage this?
Those "random" filenames are generated when the section has no name, ie: [section Some Title] Rather than: [section:filename Some Title] The latter is to be preferred for all sorts of reasons - stable URL's in the online docs being just one. John.