2014-04-14 10:53 GMT+02:00 Krzysztof Czainski <1czajnik@gmail.com>:
Main restriction that affect portability is described here:
http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/move/emulation_limitations.htm... "Assignment operator in classes derived from or holding copyable and movable types")
It is a big problem. For example this limitation broke compilation of Boost.ProgramOptions after move emulation was added to Boost.Any:
Because of that restriction Boost.Variant, Boost.Any and Boost.CircularBuffer do not use Boost.Move emulation everywhere. For those libraries some of the move functions are available only in C++11 mode.
I think with an assignment operator implemented in terms of the pass-by-value and swap idiom, you get a CopyAssignamble as well as a MoveAssignable type without this issue. I described this here [1] together with my 'explicit copy' proposition.
I don't think this approach is acceptable for in-place containers like optional or variant, where the swap operation isn't just a simple pointer swap. Regards, Kris