28 Sep
28 Sep
12:32 p.m.
2018-09-28 5:58 GMT-03:00 Damien Buhl via Boost
GET <https://nxxm.github.io/xxhr/html/namespacexxhr.html# a69bafa24d7c33b004a7de863f52b97cb>( "http://httpbin.org/anything"s, on_response = [](auto&& resp) { std::cout << resp.text; });
Use ASIO async model. Completion token as last argument. N4045[1] is a good read to get you started. I can help review the library once you finish this small task. [1] https://isocpp.org/files/papers/n4045.pdf -- VinÃcius dos Santos Oliveira https://vinipsmaker.github.io/