This is my review of the beast libary. First, I find the name quite fitting, but also we clearly need a "cage" library to make the internals of beast more useful for the endusers. I spend a few days on and off reviewing examples, and documentation. I used the library as an example for a fuzzing experiment on the weekend. What is your evaluation of the design? The design is very boost like, the library fits well into boost. One thing the library shares with asio is the buffer concept, which I never really liked. Buffer feels to me to abstract, to far away from the usual type vocabulary one is used to from standard C++. But once you're used to the concept, its ok. So no big deal. The dependence on Asio was already mentioned during the review and I am not sure about this. Surely a nice goal to have, but also not an easy one. But replacing asio with an abstraction that allows for pluggin in other socket implementations would be very powerful. Its nice that the library is header only, but over asio you get the dependency to boost::system for error_code. I'd love to be able to exchange boost::error_code dependency to the std::error_code one. As the beauty of header only really shines when you don't need to link to other non header only libraries... What is your evaluation of the implementation? Fuzzing. I spend this weekend some time to fuzz beast with libFuzzer. The basic_parser and the websocket::stream were fuzzed. A bug (buffer overflow) in basic_parser was found, and is already fixed. What is your evaluation of the documentation? Boost typical. Its good, helps with getting the library to know. What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the library? This library could be the foundation of many things to come. The internet is the basic building block for so much today, that beast is a nice improvement upon asio in providing the vocabulary to use boost in the internet age. As I already mentioned, I think that other libraries are needed in order to make this library really useful for most end users. But the scope the author aims at, beast fits very well. Did you try to use the library? With what compiler? Did you have any problems? Fuzzing was based on clang 5.0, but I also used the library with GCC 5.4 to generate example data for the fuzzing. I plan to use the library to write a small http server and clients for my own usage. How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A quick reading? In-depth study? My time for this review is limited, but as the author mentioned on this list, that the library hasn't been fuzzed, I aimed for doing this instead of implementing an http client/server. I still had to write code in order to reach the parts in beast to be fuzzed, this gave a more detailed tour of beast, then one would need for simple example exploring. Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain? A little, I am mostly a high level user of various HTTP libraries, but not at the low level beast covers. I found it interesting to get a glance at the details. And finally, every review should answer this question: Do you think the library should be accepted as a Boost library? Be sure to say this explicitly so that your other comments don't obscure your overall opinion. I think that this library should be ACCEPTED into boost. It is an important improvement on asio, in order to offer a more detailed networking stack in boost. The library has the exact right scope to do this, widening the scope into providing client/server implementations would not be good. I see this in another library. thanks, Jens Weller