Hello, The boost uuid module contains an implementation of the sha1 hash algorithm for purposes of generating a uuid from arbitrary input. I've opened an issue on github to make the hash algorithm configurable: https://github.com/boostorg/uuid/issues/26 I was hoping to find a concept and implementation of a few hashes somewhere in boost that could be used instead, however I haven't found any. Back in 2010 someone posted a link to a "boost::hashes" repository but I was unable to see what the outcome of the discussion was other than that it was not included. A collection of hashing algorithms that are well tested would be quite useful in a number of ways; and I like the hash size template style used in the repo from 2010: https://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/hash/ Indeed there's mention of a discussion about the proper placement of sha1 inside boost::uuid in there: https://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/hash/libs/hash/doc/html/rationale.ht... So I was curious where that effort ended up, and if there was a resolution on whether an independent library for hashing was ultimately something that folks wanted to pursue or avoid. Thanks, Jim