6 Apr
6 Apr
5:09 a.m.
сб, 6 апр. 2024 г. в 02:55, Nigel Stewart via Boost
Hello Marshall,
I'm not sure if this is the right place to mention a minor 1.85.0 issue, if not apologies.
There is a deprecation of an error_code alias in boost::json that breaks our builds. The migration is doable for us, but perhaps worth mentioning as a change in the release notes.
Sorry to cause disruption. This is mentioned in both JSON's and in Boost's release history: https://github.com/boostorg/json/blob/master/doc/qbk/release_notes.qbk#L22-L... https://github.com/boostorg/website/blob/master/feed/history/boost_1_85_0.qb... But I had updated the docs too late in the release cycle for it to affect the beta. I checked the RC and the deprecation is mentioned in JSON docs there.