On 04/01/2019 18:24, Matt Pulver via Boost wrote:
Regarding the page Conceptual Requirements for Real Number Types https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_69_0/libs/math/doc/html/math_toolkit/real_c...
Is it still accurate to list these 2 rows under Standard Library Support Requirements?
- iround(cr1) | int - itrunc(cr1) | int
The motivation in asking this is two-fold:
1. I don't see either of these functions listed in the Standard Library. Perhaps this is just old documentation, or I am not looking in the right place. Instead, I do find lround() and truncl().
I should make it clearer that these are not *std* lib functions - they're Boost.Math functions, but will be called via ADL so can be in the same namespace as the number type. The motivation for these, is that there are many special functions which require conversion of the real-number-type to an integer as part of their implementation (when figuring out recurrence relations for example). However, conversion of arbitrary number types to integers can't be guaranteed, and when it does work - as with built in floating point types - then it's unsafe (overflow etc). So these functions provide a customisation point for this conversion. You may well find that Boost.Math's default versions of these work for your number type - have you tried it to see? Best, John.
2. One of the design goals of Boost.Autodiff (WIP) is to satisfy all of the requirements on this page, and these are the only two which I am unable to satisfy for the above reason.
If someone were to update this page, or otherwise advise on how to reconcile, it would be appreciated so that the Boost.Autodiff https://github.com/pulver/autodiff library could accurately claim to satisfy 100% of Boost's Real Number Type requirements.
Best regards, Matt
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