śr., 6 mar 2019 o 17:39 Peter Dimov via Boost
Andrzej Krzemienski wrote:
I am interested in the latter ("Otherwise") case, so, going to emplace:
constexpr variant_alternative_t>& emplace( A&&... a ); - Requires: I < sizeof(T…).
Effects: Destroys the currently contained value, then initializes a new contained value as if using the expression Ti(std::forward<A>(a)…).
This doesn't mention any double buffering. No tricks, no "monostate". It reads as if the variant is left with no contained object whatsoever.
Yes, we mentioned that upthread. At minimum, I'll need to add Remarks that on exception, the variant is left in a valid but unspecified state.
Rigorously specifying the exact behavior of emplace will be rather verbose, and I'm not yet sure how to go about it.
There is a number of tricks to put back the variant to a non-empty state
after a throw, and you may wish to reserve the right to change them in the
future (and guarantee only that one of the Ts is stored with a valid but
unspecified value). However, it looks like you also want to guarantee some
smaller things:
* If one of the types is `monostate` you guarantee that upon throw, the
type stored is `monostate`.
* If at least one type satisfies the noexcept requirements you guarantee
that the size of variant