On 05/05/2013 05:53 AM, Bjorn Reese wrote:
Here is an alternative suggestion. Parsing the XML syntax is fairly simple, so we could provide a basic XML parser for those with simple needs.
Define "simple needs". I bet there are as many different expectations for that as you ask people. How would you package boost.xml, to offer these different implementations with varying feature sets ? I don't see any reasonable way to achieve that. In contrast, there are a couple of well-established APIs to deal with XML (notably SAX, XMLReader, and DOM), it just so happens that none of them are available as standard C++ APIs. I strongly believe that boost.xml should support APIs to parse XML documents (SAX and XMLReader, say), as well as to navigate and manipulate XML Infosets (DOM). I agree that the APIs should be simple and modular, but I don't see any way to let a single library implementation generate multiple differing DOM trees, for example. That would turn into a nightmare for library maintainers, packagers, and users alike. Stefan -- ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...