Phil, On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 7:21 AM, Phil Endecott < spam_from_boost_dev@chezphil.org> wrote:
Steven Ross wrote:
If std::sort can sort it, so can string_sort if you use the available functors properly.
How about:
bool compare_distance_from_origin(point& a, point& b) { return sqr(a.x)+sqr(a.y) < sqr(b.x)+sqr(b.y); }
Your radix key is: sqr(x) + sqr(y). If you make all your functors work relative to that generated key, it'll work fine.
To me, it's clear that there are many kinds of sort where a radix sort can't be used. An interesting borderline case would be case-insensitive sorting; have you tried doing that?
Your Get_char functor just needs to convert one case to the other before returning: struct bracket { inline unsigned char operator()(const DATA_TYPE &x, size_t offset) const { return tolower(x.a[offset]); } }; See https://github.com/spreadsort/sort/blob/master/example/stringfunctorsample.c... for an example of using string_sort with functors. I'll convert that example to do case-insensitive comparison, as that is an interesting case. If you can represent your sort as a sequence of comparisons of sequences of bytes, you can convert each of those comparisons into a sequence of bytes that make up a synthetic radix. I am willing to concede that this might be complicated, and in some cases less efficient when sorting reasonable quantities of data, but it is doable. I think many people are confused about the limitations of radix sorts, because LSD radix sorting over more complex variable-length keys is inefficient, but MSD radix sort does well with variable-length keys.