Hi Guys, I am Tejas Nikumbh, a Senior UG at IIT Bombay. I am very much interested in contributing to Boost this year. I'm primarily interested in implementing Algorithms and Data Structures or both. I have considerable experience template based data structures as well as algorithms. I'll shortly post a link to the relevant code as this discussion goes on further. Besides the traditional DS and Algos I also have in mind implementation of certain awesome data structures (like say, KDTree) to extend the Boost Libraries capabilities. I found the following algorithms to be of importance to Boost [as from the ideas page on SVN] - Radix sort - Approximate string matching - Full text search - Near Duplicate Detection (shingling) - Parallel algorithms (sort, for_each) - Algorithms for gpgpu - Kinetic scrolling I know some of the algorithms in this list and would research and provide a in depth proposal for implementation of these into boost. As of now, I'd like to know about the potential mentors for this kind of project and whether it is something that Boost is looking forward to. I am pretty enthusiastic about this project so I would like to know how high the project is on Boost's priority list. Also, I wish to start early and get a head start by implementing one simple algorithm for Boost before GSoC so that I increase my chances of being selected. Please let me know what you guys think. -- Tejas Nikumbh, Fourth Year Undergraduate, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Bombay.