[Fletcher, John P]
I have had a look around in the Phoenix code, which I did not write most of. I can find <functional> used in some tests but not in the header code. Do you have any information from your analysis of where there could be problems?
Ah, it was random_shuffle(), sorry for the confusion caused by grouping them together. Here's what I'm seeing: C:\Temp\boost-1.57.0\include\boost>grep -rP "std::(unary_function|binary_function|ptr_fun|mem_fun|mem_fun_ref|bind1st|bind2nd|auto_ptr|random_shuffle)\b" phoenix phoenix/stl/algorithm/transformation.hpp: return std::random_shuffle(detail::begin_(r), detail::end_(r)); phoenix/stl/algorithm/transformation.hpp: return std::random_shuffle(detail::begin_(r), detail::end_(r), g); [STL]
[auto_ptr] geometry
[Adam Wulkiewicz]
And it's gone. Thanks for the heads up.
Yay, thank you! STL