On 11/11/2015 06:05 PM, Artyom Beilis wrote:
Ok when I started for example Boost.Locale few years ago No major widely available compiler had provided unique_ptr.
I'm using Ubuntu LTS 14.4 (a distro one year old with long support) and gcc-4.8 does not support regular expressions yet!
Both unique_ptr and regexp are available in Boost, so I am not sure what the relevance of these observations are on a Boost mailing-list.
So removing very useful stuff that isn't really that bad and that is used in library interfaces (so its removal breaks APIs) it what is what Linus Torvalds would say "brain damaged" decision.
Given that this is a Boost mailing-list, I am struggling to understand were you are going with this discussion. If you wish to object to the removal of auto_ptr, a better venue is the std-proposals mailing-list. If you wish to add a boost::auto_ptr to replace the disappearing std::auto_ptr then that would be on-topic here. Can you clarify your intentions please?