On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 6:27 PM, John Maddock
It looks to me like the PNG's are anti-aliased, but the SVG's aren't, which would probably be a display setting or something?
I've just looked in my window manager settings and anti-alias is enabled.
In any case, I've tried them again slightly larger than before (http://jzmaddock.github.io/doctest/html/svg_test/equations.html) is this any better?
Better than before, but not wrt PNG (IMO) This is the result in Firefox http://imagebin.ca/v/1k9P4HIJQMdV For instance: - Greek symbols: some of the special greek symbols (pi, epsilon,...) looks clearer in PNG. For example, compare $\pi$ in "bernoulli_numbers2" and $\varepsilon$ in "sinh3" - Spacing: it seems SVG formulas are more narrow and math symbols are closer than their PNG counterparts. For example, compare the $\cos\phi$ and $\sin\phi$ expressions in the "bessel_derivatives3". On the SVG side, The $\cos$ ($\sin$) is very close to $\phi$, while on the PNG side there is a little space that makes the expression more readable (IMO). Anyway, aside these small issues, I vote for the transition to SVG ;) I think that my issues are motivated by your note in the original email "... the equations reference Window's specific fonts,...". So this can be easily solved in the future Cheers, -- Marco