Niall Douglas
- Document the current state of the art in C++11 template metaprogramming.
Replace "Document" with "Review" and I think Google will be happier. They don't fund writing literature reviews.
Will do.
- Propose modifications to the current Boost.MPL or perhaps write a TMP library as a successor to the MPL.
You'll need to be more concrete for GSoC. Explicit work items e.g. replacing all faux variadic templates with real variadic templates.
No problem, it should be possible to get fairly specific. I'll be sure to do that when/if I apply.
I think I am not alone in considering your presentation at C++ Now 2014 to be a must see. The two other people presenting same slot as you (provisional) are very strong and talking on important topics, but yours I think will be the most popular for library writers.
Thanks. This is both encouraging and scary :).
Your mentor and you can decide anything for GSoC, even something very controversial. Obviously you need the Boost community to rank your proposal highly, but if say you get a member of the Boost steering committee to mentor you, I would doubt anyone would rank such a proposal poorly. After all, you have written actual implementation code which proves you've thought about the problem deeply, and that puts you way ahead of most other candidates.
Thanks for the pointer; I will try to get in touch with someone on the steering committee.
I haven't looked at your MPL11 replacement library closely enough to say whether it's a good replacement for MPL. My personal single biggest concern is that I think you need Concepts in the language before an MPL replacement can really fly, and that probably removes Visual Studio from available compilers which is a showstopper. I certainly am looking forward hugely to your C++ Now presentation to learn more.
May I ask why would Concepts be necessary for a "new MPL"? Do you have anything more specific in mind? I would like to know because that might influence my current work. Thank you for your helpful reply, Louis Dionne