On 8 January 2016 at 09:32, Rainer Deyke
On 07.01.2016 18:11, Robert Ramey wrote:
Useful applications of javascript that occur to me are:
b) syntax coloring for code examples
I disagree that this is a valid use of Javascript. Code examples are static, so they can and should be statically colored. This means that the syntax highlighting exists even if Javascript is disabled.
that's massively open to human error and adds a substantial workload on the dev which could be better spent (re)writing the actual documentation content to a better level. these are the top 4 hits for googling 'javascript syntax highlighting': - https://highlightjs.org/ - http://prismjs.com/ - http://alexgorbatchev.com/SyntaxHighlighter/ - https://craig.is/making/rainbows all 4 of those look suitable on first glance. if boost were to pick one and provide a syntax file for doc writers to use they would provide a unified code example look across the entire library for no extra work from each maintainer. seems like a win to me?