On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 4:06 PM Alexander Grund via Boost
in my work on Boost.Nowide I encountered a valid NULL string and am unsure how to handle it.
Context: Every wrapper functions is basically implemented like: int fFOO(const char* s){ wstackstring const ws(s); // Converts UTF-8 to wchar-buffer/string return _wfFoo(ws.c_str()); }
Similar functions like `std::wstring widen(string-or-const-char-ptr)` are provided which can be used like `return _wfFoo(widen(s).c_str());` in the example above.
All was fine, because (IIRC) calling e.g. `fopen(NULL)` is not allowed anyway.
However `freopen` DOES allow a NULL for the string. So now I'm left with a couple options and would like some opinions on them:
1. Make (w)stackstring aware of NULL input and if default constructed or with NULL return NULL for c_str(). Makes it easy to use as one could even say `return _wfFoo(wstackstring(s).c_str());` w/o any checks but would be inconsistent with the `widen` functions which convert the passed pointer into a std::(w)string and hence require != NULL
I think if input is nullptr than output can be nullptr as well. Artyom
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