Hi, does boost still support Cpp03 or is Cpp11 the min. standard? There is no single answer to that. Every library maintainer decides for himself. You can have a look at the documentation on https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/ which lists the C++ min. level that
On 7/13/21 9:41 PM, Oliver Kowalke via Boost wrote: libraries require.
Some are missing, you may check their respective docu and/or open an issue in their repos. To summarize: - Libraries decide on their own what they require - If Boost.X uses Boost.Y and Boost.Y requires C++11, then so does Boost.X (obviously) - Many libraries enable additional features on newer standards - The level listed on the above page list the minimum required for the library to compile/work at all FWIW: Using C++03 in 2021 is an anachronism. Seriously: Save yourself the pain and go to C++11 at least.