On 4/17/22 01:28, Vinnie Falco wrote:
On Sat, Apr 16, 2022 at 3:22 PM Andrey Semashev via Boost
wrote: +1. I very much like that the current website can be cloned, with history, and updated locally or online, and then the changes can be merged upstream with PRs. The fact that you're using the usual toolset for this, nothing more than git and your favorite text editor, is a huge plus. Using a separate interface for that, or a database, would be a step in the wrong direction, IMO. Your only database should be git.
Yeah static content would stay in the GitHub repository. But dynamic content such as the list of libraries, the list of boost.org accounts corresponding to library maintainers, the tags for libraries, the index for the live news feed on the front page, the forum data, information for user accounts, the results of every review, the review calendar, and so on - those are going into a database.
I don't see why the things you list, perhaps with the exception of the forum content, can't be static content in git. Most of it is already available in git. But I'm not a web developer, so maybe I'm missing something.