On 18 June 2016 at 02:57, Robert Ramey
I've attached an epub version of my "book".
Thanks, I'll certainly will read it.
You should be able to just click on it and have the apple book reader popup and then be able to read it.
I've tried your advice, but it doesn't work ;-).
The apple book reader has some interesting features.
For the few here on Winhoze, a good (light-weight, unlike Calibre) epub-reader can be downloaded for free at http://www.stdutility.com/stduviewer.html . Just for clarity, I have nothing to do with this company/organisation. It is well maintained and regularly updated.
From the introduction:
STDU Viewer is a free viewer for multiple file formats. The goal of this software is to replace the multiple document viewers with a single one simple application. STDU Viewer supports TIFF, PDF, DjVu, XPS, JBIG2, WWF document formats. These are the most popular formats for scientific and technical documentation. Additionally STDU Viewer supports FB2, TXT, Comic Book Archive (CBR or CBZ), TCR, PalmDoc(PDB), MOBI, AZW, EPub, DCX and image (BMP, PCX, JPEG, GIF, PNG, WMF, EMF, PSD) files. Have a good day, degski