Hi Everyone, Perhaps someone in this list can help me generate html documentation from qbk sources. I am using MinGW on Windows and try to build the docs. I use the instructions form the following links. https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/BoostDocs/GettingStarted http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/doc/html/quickbook/install.html#quickbo... I am not sure if they are up to date. I downloaded all the necessary components, and when I try to run b2 on my doc folder, I get the following error messages: runtime error: file
file:///C:/_data/cpp/optional/boptional/quickbook/docbook-xsl/html/chunkfast.xsl line 23 element variable Recursive definition of chunks runtime error: file file:///C:/_data/cpp/optional/boptional/quickbook/docbook-xsl/html/chunkfast.xsl line 32 element variable Variable 'chunks' has not been declared. xmlXPathCompiledEval: evaluation failed runtime error: file file:///C:/_data/cpp/optional/boptional/quickbook/docbook-xsl/html/chunkfast.xsl line 32 element variable Failed to evaluate the expression of variable 'div'.
I am not sure exactly where they are coming from. But they look like an error from the tool, rather than my qbk sources. Perhaps anyone here experienced a similar problem and knows a solution? Or perhaps there is a newer version of the instructions? Regards, &rzej