Once it is fully converted to Boost and is mature enough that I think it reliable enough for me to draw conclusions from it about other people's code, then and only then is the right time to start formulating bug demonstration examples for third party code.
I don't understand your "my-code-is-imperfect-so-third-party-libraries-are-blameless" attitude. The time to file a bug is when you find it. Even when writing throw-away or pre- alpha code, when I see something that isn't right, I create a scratch project and try to reproduce it. Then I file the bug and get on with my work. Often, even before my pre-alpha project has matured, the bug has been fixed and I can remove my workaround. That's how it should work.
In your opinion sure, and if your code quality is anything like your C++ Now presentation then I think you're entirely right to take that approach. You may remember me congratulating you on that use of a volatile member function overload as part of useful template error reporting, something I had never previously thought of to combine with the virtual trick. My code, on the other hand, I don't trust and I assume it to be riddled with severe bugs which I'm too incompetent to perceive. This isn't a humility thing, it's an empirical thing: I have had showstopping bugs found in my open source *four* *years* after that code went stable and was being used in anger by banks, hedge funds, the US DoD for military simulations, automotive and avionics. And I had worked on that code for four years thereafter, and never saw nor found those problems not once in that time period. To which the only natural conclusion must be that I was, and am, too incompetent to find these things on my own. Hence my hesitancy to cast aspersions on others. Once the code base is stable and fully ported to Boost, then I'm happy to start work on a clean ThreadSanitiser during which I'll no doubt discover and fix a ton of problems in my code. Only then will I feel comfortable in blaming others for problems I have found. Niall --- Opinions expressed here are my own and do not necessarily represent those of BlackBerry Inc.