AMDG On 04/01/2014 02:00 PM, Oliver Kowalke wrote:
2014-04-01 20:39 GMT+02:00 Steven Watanabe
: Please just use the assembler that the toolset provides.
I've to restrict the assembler implementation for the combination of architecture/address-model/binary-format/ABI to one assembler tool - otherwise I would be forced to provide asm-files for the assembler tools available (masm, nasm, flat asm, ...) - impossible.
This is, of course, why you shouldn't be writing assembler in the first place... I think I'd prefer it if Boost.Context just gave an error if I use a toolset that it doesn't support, instead of trying (and failing badly) to switch silently to a different toolset.
On Windows MASM is used to compile boost.context - it was shipped with MS Visual Studio an at some point MS decided to move it from the MS Visual Studio to the MS WDK.
It's still installed along with Visual Studio.
I'm not responsible how MS installs the development tools - probably you could adjust your search path so you can call masm from the command prompt. but I don't know if masm needs some environment variables set by using the visual studio command prompt.
- With <toolset>msvc, the assembler can't be found automatically, even though Boost.Build already knows how to find it. - If the assembler has a name other then as, it cannot be used, even if it would actually work. This is especially likely to be a problem for cross compiling. In Christ, Steven Watanabe