Le 11.11.17 à 15:26, Rene Rivera via Boost a écrit :
On Sat, Nov 11, 2017 at 7:58 AM, Raffi Enficiaud via Boost < boost@lists.boost.org> wrote:
Le 10.11.17 à 15:20, Daniel James via Boost a écrit :
I'll close the master branch for the beta release tomorrow. Sorry we've been quiet about the release and that this is a bit short notice.
If you haven't written your release notes yet, you can add them to:
https://github.com/boostorg/website/blob/master/feed/history /boost_1_66_0.qbk
Use the pencil icon at the top right of the code to edit it, or you can mail your notes to me, and I'll add them.
There is a regression on boost.test on Windows while the code did not change, due to the fact that b2 now have longer paths:
This is what I have for last develop: ..\..\..\bin.v2\libs\test\test\user-defined-types-logging- customization-points.test\msvc-9\debug\threadapi-win32\ threading-multi\writing-test-ts\user-defined-types-logging- customization-points.obj.rsp
This is what I have for new feature branches: ..\..\..\bin.v2\libs\test\test\user-defined-types-logging- customization-points.test\msvc-9\debug\threading-multi\ writing-test-ts\user-defined-types-logging-customization-points.obj
(threadapi-win32 has been added)
The error says " failed to write output file '..\..\..\bin.v2\libs\test\tes t\user-defined-types-logging-customization-points.test\ msvc-9\debug\threadapi-win32\threading-multi\writing-test- ts\user-defined-types-logging-customization-points.obj.rsp'! "
The base folder of my CI is D:\bamboo_build_dir\SW-BCB125-VC2008WIN, and the builds that fail are VS2008, VS2013, VS2015, VS2017.
Would it be possible to revert this change, such that I can use my CI and focus on the code?
You mean revert a series of changes to, IIRC, 4 repos and the superproject? ... Not likely. But you can use either "--abbreviate-paths" or "--hash" option to get shorter paths. < http://www.boost.org/build/doc/html/bbv2/overview/invocation.html#bbv2.overv...
No, I did not mean reverting a series of changes and asking for a lot of work for many people. Thanks for the hint, the "--abbreviate-paths" works perfectly for me! I agree with James E. King, III that it would be good to have it as the default on win32, but if this complicated path scheme is there, there should also be a reason... Thanks again for the quick answer, Raffi