I am writing a detailed proposal which can answer all of your questions. Which proposal should I publish on wiki page (Short overview which I have already sent) or the detailed one which explains everything? On Sun, Jan 21, 2018 at 7:30 PM, VinÃcius dos Santos Oliveira < vini.ipsmaker@gmail.com> wrote:
2018-01-21 8:07 GMT-03:00 Pranam Lashkari
: I have made this proposal for this new library(check attachment) Suggestions are invited.
You need to focus more on "selling your project". Why is it important to have such library in C++ specifically? Isn't this one of those projects where other languages will do just fine? What market are we missing by not having this library? What C++ have to offer to make such library be inviting to write in C++?
You mention "gather information from observation data". Does this mean you'll include a parser for some format?
Can you compare this library with some non-C++ library and detail a little how will scope between the two differ (e.g. your library will focus initially only on X given the library is only starting)?
For now, this should be good. When it's time to submit the student form through the GSoC platform, you'll also focus on selling yourself. I'll give more feedback on this when the time comes. Don't worry.
Should I publish this on the wiki page of Boost GSoC 2018?
Yes, please. You can put my name as a potential mentor.
-- VinÃcius dos Santos Oliveira https://vinipsmaker.github.io/