Continuous Integration is a modern cornerstone of delivering quality results in software engineering. When I started getting involved in boost as a maintainer (instead of a long-time consumer) it became a goal to get CI into as many repositories as possible. CI allows submitters to self-check their code changes without bothering the maintainer(s) of each repository. It eases the burden for maintainers as they can focus more on code review, and less on manual machinations to validate changes (by running code locally in their own environments). The wide coverage of builds in Boost.CI has helped identify a number of issues and improved the quality of those repositories. Performing these tests and analyses before code is merged catches issues earlier (but is not as comprehensive as the test matrix in terms of platform support due to limitations in the CI providers). Given that the Travis CI and AppVeyor builds for almost all the CMT repositories (and a few others) are using Boost.CI, it's proper place is under the "boostorg/" GitHub organization. Right now it's under my GitHub account, but I would like to move it to a more official location. https://github.com/jeking3/boost-ci Thanks, Jim