On 24/05/2016 22:13, Mariano Apilado wrote:
I get the following error when compiling mysql-5.7.12 on Nexenta 4.0.4 OS ( Formerly known as Open Solaris / Illumos ). How do I fix the compile options or get the necessary files required to make the compile successful?
Thanks and Regards, Mariano
The files libboost_system.so and libboost_chrono.so are the wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32.
Mariano, I'd recommend that you build Boost as 64-bit library, using: b2 architecture=x86 address-model=64 <options you already used> (The architecture= should not be needed in current version, but it was needed 1.59 if I remember correctly). You can check that the produced libraries are indeed 64-bit by using the readelf tool, e.g. readelf -h libboost_system.so It should report "Class: ELF64" pretty much at the start. HTH, -- Vladimir Prus http://vladimirprus.com