On 17/02/2017 13:18, Mateusz Loskot via Boost wrote:
On 17 February 2017 at 01:15, Gavin Lambert via Boost
[4] works for me.
(I'm reading and posting through the gmane NNTP gateway, so it's not down, just different. I note however that the permalink for your own post [5] is not currently accessible but I assume that's a function of archival time.)
[4] http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel/247192 [5] http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lib.boost.devel/270565
Thanks for correcting me.
IMHO, still, thirdparty archives are too easy volatile.
It's going to end up being a function of how someone found the post, though. While browsing recent posts via the gmane gateway, I can instantly get the gmane archive URL from the message headers. I cannot, however, find the list.boost.org URL that way. (It does have a link to the archives, but not to the specific post.) I imagine that if direct emails include an archive link (which I doubt, knowing mailman, but anything's possible) they will similarly (and understandably) omit URLs for any other archive. So anyone who wants to post a link to lists.boosts.org will have to search to find the message. Mailman's web interface is still (to put it politely) laughable, and has no integrated search. Telling Google to search that site doesn't help much -- even knowing the exact content of the message in [4] it didn't have any hits and it took several minutes of clicking around (while knowing the exact date) before I finally found [6]. Perhaps there's a way of making Mailman include more useful archive links in its headers? That would solve two of three problems. [6] http://lists.boost.org/Archives/boost/2013/12/209496.php