On May 20, 2016, at 6:22 PM, Robert Ramey
wrote: On 5/20/16 11:14 AM, Ronald Garcia wrote:
Is the AFIO review taking the "or nothing at all" route, then?
I think that's a whole 'nuther question. The review wizard should chase this down and bug the reviewer for some sort of official resolution to the status.
Already done. Ideally you should see some movement on this soon.
I just wanted to take the opportunity to note what a great job you've done over the last 13? years. I know you're going to say it's not a huge job it's not that time consuming its not a big deal, etc.
BUT it is a big and important job. The fact that you get on it and keep it up to date makes it (look?) easy. If you didn't do this as well as you do, we'd have yet another rolling fiasco on our hands. Ironies of ironies, the better job one does, the easier it is made to look and the less it's appreciated. Not fair, but still better than constant excuses, complaints and other drama. If more people did as you do, we'd be better off.
Robert Ramey
Thanks a lot Robert. I should of course note that it’s not just me: John Phillips has been co-wizard for almost all of that time. It’s a team effort. Much appreciated! Ron