On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 4:00 PM, Niall Douglas
No, I'm saying it's up to the maintainer to maintain their library. I believe that means making it able to use as much STL11 as possible if they want to keep it fresh and relevant. Or else they completely rewrite it in C++ 11/14. I don't mind which.
Are you saying that if a Boost library uses boost::function, it's up to that library's author to make it able to use std::function instead? I think that if the option is available at all it should be up to boost::function to map to std::function, but other Boost libraries would still #include "boost/function.hpp" and refer to it as boost::function. -- Emil Dotchevski Reverge Studios, Inc. http://www.revergestudios.com/reblog/index.php?n=ReCode