From: Gavin Lambert via Boost Sent: Mittwoch, 12. Juli 2017 01:33
On 11/07/2017 21:30, Andrey Semashev wrote:
You can cast both ways. The casted-from-char pointer can be used as long as the underlying object, in the C++ object model, matches the pointed type. In other words, this is fine:
std::size_t* p1 = new std::size_t[10]; char* p2 = reinterpret_cast< char* >(p1); std::size_t* p3 = reinterpret_cast< std::size_t* >(p2); assert(p1 == p3); p3[0] = 10; // ok
In Beast's case we (and compiler) cannot tell whether the pointers refer to std::size_t objects. For compiler that means it has to assume the objects exist and thus prevent any optimizations that would contradict it.
(It's also important to note that the standard only permits casting to "char*" - - not "unsigned char*" or "uint8_t*".)
Sure that unsigned char isn't OK? I thought, out of the char family, only signed char wasn't. (And uint8_t might theoretically be a problem, because an implementation doesn't necessarily have to implement uint8_t as a typedef to unsigned char.)
You can still run afoul of strict aliasing if you pass both pointers to other methods, however (but passing only one should be safe). Hopefully the compiler is smart enough to notice that they're aliased as long as you stay within the same method.
I didn't follow the discussion close enough so I might be mistaken, but isn't this a function that takes a char* as input (from user code)? If that is so, using size_ts to read the chars could be an aliasing violation. Namely if the user thinks that he can pass e.g. a pointer to an int array, because the function takes a char pointer, and char may alias... Then he'd have one part of the application access a memory location with size_t, which was written by another part of the application using int. A real example that causes a real bug here would probably be very hard to construct. But I don't think this should be ignored. Also I wouldn't feel very good about using memcpy for this and similar optimizations - seen it come out slow (=real call to memcpy) too often in the past. Since this is a common problem with a common optimization, maybe it's time to introduce aliasing_load and aliasing_store helper functions (e.g. in Boost.Utility)? That way any improvements (speed, reliability) would benefit all users and not just one library. Or, a different idea: wouldn't a compiler fence like std::atomic_signal_fence before the aliasing read be enough? I'm almost sure that this doesn't make it OK with the standard, but I can't imagine what kind of optimization a compiler might possibly do to break things if there are fences before all aliasing loads/after all aliasing stores. (Granted: this is a bad argument. Maybe the standard should provide std::aliasing_fence xD). Regards, Paul