On 7 Feb 2016 at 17:02, John Maddock wrote:
Windows Phone/Metro is still broken unfortunately. I have little experience in that target so I can't say as to the cause, but it could be the tooling is less permissive than before so Boost.Build etc needs upgrading to match.
https://ci.nedprod.com/view/Boost%20Thread-Expected-Permit/job/Boost.T hread%20Build/CPPSTD=c++14,CXX=msvc-12.0,LINKTYPE=shared,label=winphon e8/495/console
What am I looking at, where's the error?
Yes you're right, not an error but some warnings. I have configured Jenkins to send an email every night if there are any warnings too, and the warnings reports above look to be valid and the cause is Boost.Thread's unit tests missing some WinRT specific markup.
https://ci.nedprod.com/view/Boost%20Thread-Expected-Permit/job/Boost.T hread%20Build/CPPSTD=c++14,CXX=msvc-14.0,LINKTYPE=shared,label=winphon e8/495/console
Could this be related to https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/d8980415-9542-475e-8da9-1a4ef... ?
Looks very plausible. Apparently according to that Boost.Build needs to stop specifying /ZW on Windows Phone or something? Niall -- ned Productions Limited Consulting http://www.nedproductions.biz/ http://ie.linkedin.com/in/nialldouglas/