On Sun, Aug 26, 2018 at 2:37 AM, Bryce Adelstein Lelbach aka wash via
Niall Douglas wrote:
I don't get how diversity is improved by excluding anyone who isn't a US resident. Or any of the other groups Outreachy excludes.
It brings more people into the community, from demographic groups that are historically underrepresented.
What prevents those groups from being normally represented in Boost community? We don't ban people based on race or religion or gender or sexual orientation or whatever. Neither do we require people announce any of these personal aspects. So why do we need a program that does exercise such preference? Boost is about C++, it is open to everyone who is interested in C++ and is generally a nice person and it should stay that way. I don't want Boost being associated with LGBT, race, political or whatever other activism, except for moving C++ forward.