Hello Ram,
Coming down to the wire on proposals...
I just want to make sure that you havesubmitted your proposal to the formalplace required by Google.
I am uncertain of the formal location, even thoughI should probably be expected to know this.
Does anyone know this propoer submit location?
And Ram, have you submitted there?
Kind regards, Chris
On Monday, March 23, 2020, 10:24:11 PM GMT+1, Christopher Kormanyos
...draft proposal for Boost.Multiprecision project> on Extending and optimizing the library for> thousands of bits ... Please kindly provide your valuable feedback> on the same. Hi Ram, Thank you for your proposal. I find your proposal clear, correct, and direct,while also having the right level of essentialdetails. You have also proven good and cleancoding abilities through the competency test. Thanks again and kind regards, Chris
On Monday, March 23, 2020, 9:34:01 PM GMT+1, Ram Nad via Boost