On 1/25/23 1:21 PM, Mateusz Loskot via Boost wrote:
On Wed, 25 Jan 2023 at 22:05, Vinnie Falco via Boost
wrote: In hindsight, I feel like perhaps we collectively failed the review process. I think that Boost.Aedis was in fact not ready for a review and it did a disservice both to the library and the author that we rushed to review it. [...]
There review submission is not an one chance in lifetime attempt. If it is necessary and desired by reviewers, prospect users and author, and author is interested and willing to improve library, then nothing wrong with having re-review, and re-re-review...
So, I wouldn't use words like disservice and failure as every cloud has a silver lining.
Best regards,
FWIW - The serialization library, after much feedback and consideration was initially rejected by Boost. This was the correct decision as it wasn't really ready by a long shot. Me being me, this was not a cause for dispare, but rather inspiration to re-double my efforts. The result is the serialization library you today. This occurred around 2003. I hope you find this bit of history helpful. Robert Ramey