Dear Robert, I am interested in implementing a portable binary archive for boost.serialization and would like to discuss this with you. I have a personal interest in that for my histogram library, which would profit from a full implementation of portable_binary_archive that supports floating point numbers. I had a look into the boost serialisation code, in particular, the incomplete portable_binary_archive implementation in the examples directory and EOS, the external implementation of a portable binary archive. I also read the notes in the documentation of boost.serialization about the portable binary archive. Is it still correct that portable_binary_archive only needs a portable implementation of reading and writing floats and doubles? I read that the author of EOS tried to submit to boost a while back. Apparently, this never happened. Do you remember what the issue was? I read up on floating point representation in binary, and I would approach the problem of serialising floats by implementing the IEEE754 standard in a portable way. Does that make sense? Best regards, Hans