2017-05-15 13:08 GMT+02:00 Niall Douglas via Boost
you get a C++ exception thrown of type monad_error(no_state).
As a side note, it would be nice from my point of view if you eradicate these last remaining references to 'monad' in the public interface and make that outcome_error (resp. outcome_errc, outcome_category.)
A lot of people grumble at having "monad" in the naming. I don't personally see the problem, it's just a name, and "basic_monad" is exactly what is it: a building block for a monad.
I'll tell you what though, if two more people strongly feel that "basic_monad" and "monad_error" need to be renamed, I will do it. Please people do suggest a better alternative name though.
I strongly feel that name "monad" need to be renamed :) Proposed alternatives: - `basic_monad` -> `outcome_base` or `basic_outcome` - `monad_error` -> `bad_outcome` or `outcome_error` Regards, &rzej;